Conclusione della settimana di formazione on line del progetto Erasmus “FLI-CREATE”


dal 28 Settembre 2020 al 2 Ottobre 2020

Un evento dell'Istituto Tito Acerbo di Pescara


Si è appena conclusa l’intensa settimana di formazione on line del progetto Erasmus “FLI-CREATE – coordinata egregiamente dal partner” Ilmiofuturo” – a cui hanno preso parte ben 10 docenti dell’Istituto Tito Acerbo.

Le Learning Activities, cominciate il 28 settembre e concluse il 2 ottobre, si sono svolte in un clima di grande collaborazione e di scambio creativo tra tutti i partecipanti che hanno seguito con partecipazione le sessioni teoriche  e quelle laboratoriali. Gli insegnanti hanno creato e condiviso dei brevi video animati con tools quali Animoto, Powtoon, Biteable, Genially, per poi proseguire con la creazione di un output basato sul metodo creativo PAPSA.

Facilitatori e mentori hanno stimolato la riflessione sul nuovo paradigma dell’insegnamento on-line, offline e in modalità mista nel contesto della flipped classroom.



The  Learning Activities (C1) related to the “FLI CREATE” project- FLIpped CREative Awareness Teaching have just come to an end.

The Blended Learning on Clickmeeting platform lasted one week, from September 28th to October 2nd, 2020.

The Learning Activities were coordinated by the partner “Ilmiofuturo” and were carried out in a virtual way due to Covid-19; they were attended by all European partners with a lot of interest and participation.

On September28th-29th, teachers worked in groups in each country (Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary) helping each other. The mentor was iTStudy and by the end of the second day all participants sent a short animated video for sharing pre-class with students; teachers used tools such as Animoto, Biteable, Genially, Powtoon.

On September 30th and October 1st work sessions were held by “Ilmiofuturo” and all  European teachers and partners were involved in testing the creative method called PAPSA directed to the creation of an output.

Finally, on October 2nd, an assisted creative session was held by Ustvarjalnik; it focused on the ability to inspire and convince students for self-learning for the purpose of flip-class teaching.

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